Tuesday, July 14, 2009

One Minute Movie Reviews 7/14/09

Time to get caught up on One Minute Movie Reviews!!!

New in Town
After watching this movie, I was left with an overwhelming sense of "eh." As in "Eh, I've pretty much seen this before." There were some moments, and I generally liked Harry Connick, Jr.'s performance. But I tend to do that, because he puts on a great concert. Renee Zellwegger was rather underwhelming. The supporting cast, esepcially the highly underrated JK Simmons was the one thing that kept my interest throughout the film. Overall, the plot is pretty standard "fish out of water" romantic comedy fare. My mother-in-law said this was, "a five star movie." I give it a hearty 3.5 "Ehs"

Over Her Dead Body
I can write this review in one minute, because that's about how long I watched the movie. Now don't get your undies in a wad...after a few minutes, my wife said, "I've already seen this movie." So we turned it off. That's when I watched Man-Thing. Good trade.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall
I thought this would follow the 40 -Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up as being a raunchy laugh fest/romantic comedy. I was pleasantly surprised to find out I was wrong. I learned three things from this movie.
1. Russell Brand is hilarious -- America just hasn't caught on yet
2. Mila Kunis is highly underrated for her hottness
3. Jason Segel is really pretty good -- and he wrote the script!
I found this movie to be funny and entertaining. Great peripheral characters as well. Paul Rudd is particularly good (as always). Highly recommended!


  1. I think this is the first review of Forgetting Sarah Marshall not to mention Jason Segel's penis. Over Her dead body is a horrid little trite. totally underutilized Paul Rudd

  2. Huh. I thought I posted a comment on this earlier, but it's not here. Oh well, here it is again: I agree wholeheartedly with your take on Sarah Marshall. I was prepared to hate Russell Brand because in what little I had read or seen of him he had come off as quite the douche. But he was hilarious in that movie. And Paul Rudd can do no wrong in my book. Oh, and ditto on Mila Kunis, but that really goes without saying.
