Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My First Blog (by Fisher Price)

Well, folks, here it first blog! I decided to begin a blog, because there was a lot of stuff I'd like to say, but not enough room on Facebook to do it. In addition, two of my friends have blogs, so I just wanted to keep up with the Joneses (though neither of said friends are named Jones). For those of you who aren't completely familiar with me, my life revolves around a few simple things -- my family, movies/TV, comic books, fine literature, video games, and sports. Yes, I know the last one sounds like a bit of an anomaly, but I really am a nerd who also happens to be a huge sports fan. Some people who know me may try to discredit that statement by pointing out that my favorite sport is soccer, which is often considered "not a real sport" in America. Well, the rest of the world says soccer is OK, so I stand beside my sportiness.

You might notice that I have yet to mention my job. That is because I will not be blogging about my job. There's two reasons for that:

1. Blogging about my current job would be unprofessional.
2. I love my current job, therefore I want to keep it, and would be seriously pissed if I lost it over some comment I made in a blog post after several pints of Guinness.

I probably also won't blog too much about my family, unless it's something funny. I happen to love my family, even more than my job, so I don't want to lose that either. Or piss them off (especially my wife).

So, if you're looking for an overview of what I'll be doing here, I'll sum it up with one word -- entertaining. I hope that I can regularly come up with an entertaining and possibly humorous blog. And occasionally, I might even try to be thought provoking. And for those of you who are Facebook friends, fear not, the One Minute Movie Review will continue here on this blog.

So, until my next post, excelsior, True Believers!

1 comment:

  1. pints of guinness? you must be a real man if your taste buds can handle that can of gasoline.

