Wednesday, July 8, 2009


One of my favorite things to do is watch movies. The Wife and I belong to Netflix, so we get two or three movies a week int he mail that we get to watch. We also put our membership to Family Video to good use by renting things from there fairly regularly as well. I also go to the movies sometimes, especially when something that is comic book oriented comes out. In short, I love movies.

But what is the One Minute Movie Review?
I probably stole that name from somewhere, and if it's you, I apologize. On my Facebook page, I started writing One Minute Movie Reviews of movies I saw on DVD or in the theater. The concept is that when I sit down to write my review, I put myself on a clock and write the entire review in roughly one minute. This one is obviously taking more than a minute, because it's more than just the movie review. I decided on the format, because when I read newspaper movie critics, I always feel like they want the reader to know they (the critic) is smarter than you (the reader). My reviews are short, concise, and from the heart. No artsy fartsy discussions of symbolism or cinematography, just whether I liked the movie or not, and why. Simple.

So, now on to today's review of.....

Shame on you Marvel Comics! Shame! If ever there was a Marvel character who could use a boost from a good movie, it's Man-Thing. In the comics, he's a green mass who shuffles around protecting the Nexus of All Realities from evil doers. In the movie, he shuffles around the Nexus of All Realities, and kills everyone -- bad and good alike. There is a plot, it's just kind of stupid. It also shows us that not all Floridians are yuppies from Miami and Boca -- some are brain dead rednecks who shoot people for money! I rented it for a dollar, just to see how bad it was. I was not disappointed.


  1. No artsy fartsy??!! your an english teacher!! that should innate!!!! this makes me sad

  2. Your grammar and misusage of words makes me sad. Where the hell did you go to high school???......oh yeah...
