Monday, August 17, 2009

The Secret Life of Geeks

Those of you who know me (which is everyone who reads this as far as I know) know I am a geek. I am proud of being a geek. Most people, however, have no idea what makes a geek tick. In my world, what makes me tick is comic books. Therefore, I am part of the geek subspecies known as a comic book geek. In addition to me, the comic book geek subspecies also sports a species named Homo sapiens hugophanus. There's a lot of us around, but we're rather secretive. The reason for this being that it's not cool to stand up the first day of school in 19th grade and announce, "I collect comic books." Homo sapiens hugophanus, however, does occasionally blurt out comic book related items and other random things. In order to help you understand the geek side of things, I have decided to give you a peek inside my brain.

The following is a transcript based in the interior monologue I was having when I was frantically looking for a copy of Green Lantern (vol. 4) #28 because I had just read a tasty bit of info about it on the DC Comics message boards. This is, to the best of my knowledge, hand to God, what was going through my brain as I searched for a single comic that was somewhere in my collection of roughly 4000.

  • Where is that comic? I bet it's in this box here. Let's see ... here's 27....29...30. What the hell!?!?!
  • OK, let's check this box. I'll check these over here. Let's check this bag...hmmm here's the recent stuff...
  • Oooo...Agent Orange story. I have to read that again.
  • Here's a bunch of the Dark Reign comics from Marvel. I'm going to have to give Marvel some props for this in a blog. It's kind of a good story line.
  • No Green Lantern. . . Let's check over here.
  • OK. This has all the GLs from 21- 26. This is starting to get me pissed now.
  • I wonder how the GL movie will be....I better get to be Kilowog.
  • Ah, there's Final Crisis. I need to find all those and read them at once and see if they make sense....No, I don't think I want to do that. Yeah, it still seems to suck.
  • Here's Marvel's Secret I remember why I don't give them any props.
  • Marvel Secret War...God, Marvel sucks sometimes
  • Who would win in a fight between Brian Michael Bendis and Geoff Johns?
  • Does Bendis write EVERY Marvel title now? He was so good on Daredevil, but I don't much care for Bendis these days.
  • You don't care for Bendis?
  • Not at all. He does this dialogue thing.
  • He does a dialogue thing?
  • Yes, he takes a piece of dialogue and then has another character repeat the same thing as a question.
  • They repeat it as a question?
  • Yes exactly...ha, ha, I never get tired of that. I wonder if I still have that web site saved
  • It's all true though, Bendis does do that. He also makes Spider-Man say things like "oy vey." That is so out of character.....It's out of character?....stop that Brain!!!
  • I'm going to re-read the Sinestro Corps War tonight and see if it has any little clues for Blackest Night
  • F ME!!! Where is that comic!?!?!?
  • I think I'll read The Crow TPB instead of the comic I'm looking for...
  • No, I can't stop looking for this. I'm becoming obsessed.....this is why people make fun of comic geeks.
  • I need to bag and board most of these....ah, X-Men box. I love you, X-Men box.
  • Where the hell is that comic!!!
  • Oh, here it is...damnit.

So there, you have it. A peek into the mind of a hardcore comic book geek. As it turns out, I only needed that comic to read one page. And it didn't really shed any light on things the way I thought it would.

I will try to get more blogs done this week, in order to catch up. I know I have been a blog slacker lately. Until next time....Excelsior, true believers!!!

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